Sunday 11 March 2018

The power of Words

Dennis Agesa,10th March,2018
In the days of enlightenment,the world must have groomed potential men and women to lead its affairs through the power of words. If nature was to judge every aspect in me, then it would be evident that I am a product of words.
Everyday I kept acknowledging every single word said to me by my seniors.They might have done this purposely to motivate me, but verily verily, they shaped my destiny.
There is no better way to bend conventional and cruel follies that are imposed in today’s society than motivating someone through words;words that compel individuals to stand up for what they were meant to be.
There is power in words that deflect the attacks of the sharpest words, the fastest bullet, and the most lethal of poisons. Words have the power to create all that is good in this world or wreak annihilation to the very core of a person. 
It comes with utter significance to be always a good listener of the word. If you want to deliver a message to inspire someone,then use the power of words.
Today, am extending my hand of respect to every youth out there,be it from the small village where I was born or in the darkest corners of this great nation that is out there inspiring somebody through the word.
By doing that, we help reduce social injustices happening out there. We help build the aspect of resolutions to our inner most fear and atrocities.The youths of today are trying their best to destroy ill-willed social norms that are common to all cultures and traditions.The hope to beyond hope is not in vain.We all must gang up, go in every direction and be the "voice of the voiceless".
It would be best for societies to create motivational groups that will help break all inhumane practices in a tradition or in a social organization.
And as I end, wisdom reminds me of the great words of Patrick Rothfuss
 "Words are pale shadows of forgotten names. As names have power, words have power. Words can light fires in the minds of men. Words can wring tears from the hardest hearts."
Dennis Agesah is a B.Com student with a bias in Motivational literature. 
An aspiring writer

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