Tuesday 7 November 2017

Someone should be questioned over Governor Gakuru's death

Wreckage of Governor Wahome Gakuru's vehicle at the site of accident
It's evidently clear that its the rail penetration that caused Governor Gakuru's untimely death.
Could the accident that led to the death have been avoided?
Was it speeding?
Are road construction engineers to blame?
Or was it destiny?
Our investigations have revealed that this is not a one in a million occurrence. Several identical scenarios have been witnessed worldwide.

Crashes similar to that of Governor Gakuru's vehicle(source - Google)
Several of such accidents have happened in other countries and people were found culpable of the death and injuries inflicted on the vehicle occupants.
Many Kenyans are asking themselves how that rail guard penetrated the Mercedes Benz given the reputation of Mercedes machinery.
Guard rails are supposed to be engineered in a way that when motorists ram into them, they won't penetrate the motor vehicle but will instead be rolled in the direction of vehicles movement due to the impact.
This will minimize, if not reduce, fatalities caused by rail penetration.
One such incident happened in the United States and actually the road construction company responsible was found culpable. Could it be replicated in Kenya?
Have a look>>>

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